
For the record - Sept. 5, 2015

Animal shelters: In the Sept. 4 California section, an article about two animal shelter systems operated separately by Los Angeles city and county governments did not sufficiently distinguish some of the comments and complaints made about the different agencies. A Los Angeles city controller audit that gave generally good marks for the reliability of data on animals impounded, adopted or killed dealt solely with the city-run shelter system. A report by animal rights activists criticizing kennel conditions and the handling of shelter dogs and cats was focused on the county Department of Animal Care and Control’s system.

AP test scores: In the Sept. 3 California section, an article about Advanced Placement test results stated that the College Board had said that data on the income level of racial groups would be available next month. The College Board now says it does not have that data.

Albertsons lawsuit: In the July 21 Business section, an article about Albertsons’ filing of a fraud lawsuit against Haggen in connection with the sale of 146 grocery stores said that the suit was filed in federal court in California. It was filed in Superior Court.


Steve Jobs film: In the Sept. 4 Calendar section, a review of the new documentary “Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine” said that filmmaker Alex Gibney had interviewed Jobs’ daughter Lisa. Gibney did not interview her for the film.
