
Newsletter: Today: All in the (Fox) Family. Dodgers Save Key Player.

I'm Davan Maharaj, editor of the Los Angeles Times. Media mogul Rupert Murdoch starts passing his empire to an "heir and a spare" - his two sons; and the Supreme Court may decide much of Obama's legacy. Here are some story lines I don't want you to miss today.


All in the Family

Rupert Murdoch has reminded everyone that 21st Century Fox, a media giant, is still a family business. Soon his two sons will be running it, an "heir and a spare," as British media call them. He'll ask the board to name James Murdoch chief exec and Lachlan Murdoch co-chief-exec. Plenty of room for intrigue here, though it's no surprise. Here's a look at challenges the brothers will face.

Obama's Legacy in the Dock

President Obama's legacy may depend to an unusual degree on the Supreme Court. His signature healthcare law, immigration reform effort and climate change crusade could all ride on rulings. "Not since the New Deal has the court been as involved in defining a president's legacy," says one court scholar. The most important ruling, on Obamacare, is due this month.

The Clinton Difference

After an eight-year presidency, history says, Americans want something different. So if Hillary Rodham Clinton believes voters favor President Obama's values and priorities, how will she be different? She'll say she has the tenacity to actually get something done. As for trust, well, strategists cite a 1992 poll showing that only a third of voters found Bill Clinton trustworthy. They elected him anyway.

Colombia's Mysterious Buzz

It'll give you the spins. It may lead to intense nausea and diarrhea and, after that, scary visions of snakes, jaguars and insects. So why do people from all over the world come to a remote corner of Colombia to sip yage (pronounced ya-HEY)? Today's Great Read explores the world of shamans who administer this "cure" and the tourists who swear by its mind-expanding powers.

You've Got Pathogens

Talk about weird stuff in the mail. Many were shocked at the discovery that an Army biodefense lab in Utah accidentally shipped live samples of anthrax to private and military research facilities in as many as 17 states, Canada, Australia and South Korea. Turns out it's not all that unusual. Here's a rundown of some scary mistakes.

Dodgers Save a Key Player

Nancy Bea Hefley had had enough. "I just don't fit in," said the Dodger Stadium organist since 1988. The team seemed to be easing her out. No more tunes during visiting-team intros. No more Nancy on the big screen playing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame." She said she was quitting. On Facebook. The team was stunned. Really stunned. She now has a lifetime contract.


-- A Department of Water and Power employee is charged with 27 felonies. Prosecutors allege he misappropriated more than $4 million.

-- A video by L.A. Police Chief Charlie Beck assuring officers he has their backs doesn't sit well with the civilian Police Commission.

-- A retired judge fires on officers he called to his Westside L.A. home, police say.

-- L.A. drops plans to buy electricity from a controversial solar plant proposed for the Mojave Desert, a serious blow to the project.


-- A judge finds probable cause for a murder charge against a Cleveland police officer who shot and killed a 12-year-old boy.

-- The Alaska-Ohio congressional throwdown: Mt. McKinley or Denali?

-- The Germanwings co-pilot who deliberately crashed a full jetliner into the Alps feared he was going blind, a prosecutor says.

-- China reveals that former security chief Zhou Yongkang was sentenced to life in prison for corruption.


-- Twitter's beleaguered chief executive, Dick Costolo, is stepping down.

-- Oculus shows off a smaller, lighter virtual reality headset.

-- Shoppers return: Retail sales climb 1.2% in May.


-- NBA Finals: The Warriors rebound to beat the Cavaliers, 103-82, in Game 4 and even the series.

-- "Being comfortable being uncomfortable": How Cal State Fullerton reached the College World Series.

-- Eli Manning reveals the meaning of "Omaha!"

-- The latest scores and stats.


-- Movie review: The dinosaur teeth look great in "Jurassic World," but it's not too blood-on-the-tracks scary.

-- The distinct pop of Corita Kent's art activism is on show in Pasadena.

Passings: Ornette Coleman, 85, saxophonist whose spontaneous improvisation and compositions made him one of the most innovative and controversial figures in jazz. Christopher Lee, 93, British screen star of "Dracula" and "Lord of the Rings." Dusty Rhodes, 69, pro-wrestling legend.


-- Where to see the real Jurassic world after you see the film.

-- The Detroit News has the story of an oncologist's discovery that brought down a cancer treatment empire.

-- Politico commentary: Religion's disappearing act is good for politics.


Menus can reveal a lot more than what's cooking in the kitchen. They can tell us intriguing stories about politics, race and economics. That's what USC students found out when they got their hands on a trove of 9,000 dating to the 19th century at the L.A. Public Library. The result: "To Live and Dine in L.A.," an exhibition opening Saturday. Here's the library's release.

Please send comments and ideas to Davan Maharaj.
