
How has language shaped who you are?

Los Angeles Times reporter Esmeralda Bermudez is raising her daughter to be trilingual. The 5-year-old girl, second from right, sang songs and recited poems in Armenian at her Armenian school's end-of-the-year celebration.
(Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times)

They say language is the road map of a culture. It can tell us where people come from and where they’re going.

It’s identity and culture, history and family. It can be an accent. A homeland. A window to a whole new world.

Language also can be a loaded subject, a high-stakes game of use it or lose it.

How has language shaped who you are? How has it affected the way you see the world and how the world sees you? We would love to hear your story. Fill out the survey below and we’ll share your responses.
