
Explanation of violation terms

SECTION I: 6 points for violations in each category; maximum points deductible: 36


1. Holding of PHF - Multiple Servings (Major): Potentially hazardous foods shall be held at or below 41/45°F or at or above 135°F. Potentially hazardous foods that have been removed from holding temperatures for preparation shall be returned to approved holding temperatures within 2 hours.

2. Holding of Pooled Unpasteurized Shelled Eggs: Potentially hazardous foods shall be held at or below 41/45°F or at or above 135°F. Potentially hazardous foods that have been removed from holding temperatures for preparation shall be returned to approved holding temperatures within 2 hours.

3. Cooking: Comminuted meat, raw eggs, or any food containing comminuted meat or raw eggs, shall be heated to 155°F for 15 sec. Fish, single pieces of meat, and eggs for immediate service, shall be heated to 145°F for 15 sec. Poultry, fish, comminuted poultry, stuffed fish / meat / poultry shall be heated to 165°F for 15 sec. Other temperature requirements may apply.


