
Live chat with Bill Plaschke

Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

Harold Reemus: Hi there all

Administrator2: Hi all, and welcome to the chat!

nomuskles: hello

Administrator2: Welcome Bill!

Bill Plaschke: hey everybody. thanks for hanging out

Administrator2: Chatters, feel free to submit your questions or comments now.

TaintMe: yello....

Bill Plaschke: ‘yello, taint

Administrator2: We have quite a few questions waiting for Bill, so please bear with us...we’ll get to as many as we can.

Harold Reemus: Bill, what do you think are the legitimate chances of the Dodgers: winning the West? Going Deep into the Playoffs?

Bill Plaschke: hey harold...I think dodgers will go as far as pitching takes them. if schmidt isn’t sound, they won’t win. if he is, or if they can replace him, they can win division. but i see them wiinning one playoff round at best


Steven: Bill, what do you think the Dodgers should do about their current situations at 3B and in the OF? Give the job to the youngsters or let Pierre and Nomar play themselves out of positions? LaRoche has huge OBP potential...

Bill Plaschke: because they’re going with kemp and ethier, they should also go with laroche...garciaparra is more versatile off bench.

~JaSoN aKa RoMeO~: “Hey bill....How far do you think *THE LAKERS* are gonna go this year”?

Bill Plaschke: lakers will get to conference finals vs. san antonio. But I just don’t see them beating spurs


nomuskles: How do the Lakers integrate Ariza and Bynum back into the fold?

Bill Plaschke: ariza plays defense, easy to intergrate him. bynum might not be totally sound for rest of season ,so they’ll go slow with him. but they’re doing just fine without him right now

Harold Reemus: Thanks. One last question-- Are the McCourts good owners? Have they made a good impact on the city/team/ ?

Bill Plaschke: mccourts have done great things for dodger stadium, and continue to do good things. I’m interested to see the new concecession stuff this year. however, on the field, which is where they will ultimately judged, they have to win


nomuskles: Why don’t you see the lakers beating the spurs? defense?

Bill Plaschke: no muskles...nobody is better in last five minutes of game than spurs...they’ve all been there, they know what they’re doing. and kurt thomas puts them back over the top.

Fran 77: Hey i never got a clear/good answer why did Rudy T resign as laker coach? Was it kobe?

Bill Plaschke: hey fran...can’t blame that on kobe...rudy t just wasn’t healthy enough, or energetic enough, for the rebuilding task...wrong guy for the wrong time.

~JaSoN aKa RoMeO~: “Hey...How you doin bill?....I got a question for you...Do you think Kobe is the best player in the NBA right now?...And if not...Who is the best player in the NBA right now”? ~JaSoN aKa RoMeO~

Bill Plaschke: i never thought I would say this, jason, but I think kobe is MVP of league right now. everyone in cleveland is saying lebron, but his supporting cast got him to the finals alst year. kobe has been carrying lakers.

ButrosButros: Bill, why do the L.A Times bother to cover the Kings? In fact, why spend any ink on Hockey?


nomuskles: lol @ butros

ButrosButros: haha

Bill Plaschke: butros, I love the kings, and I like watching hockey, but our surveys show that hardly anyone in town cares. they are like the arena football league team. a fun experience if you go to the games, but not jmuch overall interest.

wil323la: Can the Dodgers knock off the mets in a best of 7?

~JaSoN aKa RoMeO~: “Thanx bill...I gotta get back to class...Take Care bill....Bye”.

Bill Plaschke: right now, dodgers cannot be mets in seven-game series...but if dodgers get another starting pitcher, they might have an outside shot

wil323la: do you think Billingsley can win 10 or more games this year?

Bill Plaschke: billilngsley wins 15 this year, if you ask me, wil...he’s got ace potential.

Mack: Plaschke when are you next on around the horn?

Bill Plaschke: I’m on ATH tomorrow...yet another occasion when the east-coast bias will kick in and I’ll get bounced off early (lol)

mikeb: Hey Bill-Tell me-does it ever get under your skin when TJ picks on you or do u take it in the fun he means it?

Bill Plaschke: hey mike..I don’t consider it like TJ picking on me...I’m just part of his daily’s all in can’t take him seriously...


nomuskles: What are some interesting stories you are working on?

Bill Plaschke: well, nomuskles, if I tell you, then somebody will steal them!...but I had a real neat story I was going to write for the sunday paper, but I came down with the flu on saturday and couldn’t do it, I was faced with an ethical I go to these subjects home and interview them while I am sick, and risking making them sick? I decided to stay home instead. but I’ll do the interview today or tomorrow. watch for the story on wednesday.

thom: Mr. Plaschke: I noticed most of your questions last time were about sports -- I’d like to ask you some questions about a subject that you are more of an expert on -- yourself. I appreciate the way you write. Please don’t be modest, how did your writing evolve and what do you value in the writing of others?

Administrator2: Hi chatters, if you’ve asked a question and haven’t seen it appear yet, don’t worry-- just trying to give Bill time to type rather then sending the questions all at once.

Bill Plaschke: hey thom...I just write like I talk...short sentences, short paragraphs, if you’ve heard me talk, you know I talk writing evolved in that I realized by doing stories as if you are sitting around a campfire telling tales, folks will listen.

yvesp: Hi Bill,

TaintMe: Bill, I know you travel all over the place, what was your favorite sports city to visit last year, and why?

Bill Plaschke: my favorite city is st. louis. great hospitality, and there’s the best old-man bar in the world


josh: Speaking of East Coast Bias. Why dont the dodgers play the yankees ever? I would really love to see them beat the Yanks then the Mets in a 7 game series

Bill Plaschke: dodgers played yankees a couple of years ago, didn’t they?...they will play them ever so often...but not this...both teams aren’t getting to world series.

yvesp: Do you think, as I do, that the Lakers will win the NBA championship this year point blank?

am: Hi Bill, Who do you think is going to win the NBA this year?

mikeb: josh-know anything about baseball? American League-National League

Bill Plaschke: yvesp, lakers are NOT going to win it all. Celtics win it all.

freddy: Bill, have the suns ruined their offensive flow with Shaq, he is so limited.

mikeb: Bill-Cets will not get out of East-Bet lunch on it?

Mack: hey mike its called inter-league play

Bill Plaschke: freddy, suns were ruined BEFORE they got shaq. they took a wild shot in the dark because their season was already done anyway. their window is cloed. finished.

UCLA student: Hey Bill, at this moment right now, can you see UCLA beating the Trojans at the Rose Bowl this December given what has transpired with the coaching hires of Neuheisel and Chow?

yvesp: How dare you Bill?

Bill Plaschke: mikeb, you think celtics won’t beat pistons?

nomuskles: I’d love to be as limited as shaq. millions of dollars is so limiting.

mikeb: Mack-read the question-he wants them to beat the Yanks and Mets back to back playing Yans first


Bill Plaschke: ucla student, chow and neuheisel will be effective in a couple of years. but not so soon. usc will still win.

Fran 77: who do you think is the most under appriectaed athlete out there right now?

mikeb: Bill-there is no way they beat the Pistons-maybe not even Orlando or Cleveland

nomuskles: kwame brown

Bill Plaschke: most underappreciated athlete, believe it or not, is tiger woods. we cannot grasp his current greatness

mikeb: lunch bet? winners choice?

Ali: Is USC and Pete Carroll overrated because they reminded me of the University of Miami in the early 2000s with talent and overconfidence.

Bill Plaschke: mike, you don’t think garnett wins east all by himself? then you don’t know garnett.

Bill Plaschke: ali, usc was overconfident last year, but not anymore. they learned.

Stan1234: How did you find the style of short, single-sentence paragraphs?

Bill Plaschke: stan, my short style comes from the way I talk..and I think that’s the way people listen today. We don’t hear long paragraphs. we’re a world of sound bites.

josh: The question was ment like Bill answered it. I want to see the Yanks play the dodgers again. Interleauge play or WS. Who cares about the mets.


Amir: Plaschke, why havent we seen too many Lakers articles from you this season?

mikeb: Do not think he can win east all by himself and I do know him-of course I must admit being from NY I am biased against Boston-helped me to big money in SB-which I congratulate you on for your pick-but I am ready to back up Celts opinion with lunch bet

Bill Plaschke: amir, because I’m the lead columnist and I have to be at all the national events, I usually start focusing on the lakers in march, then go with them during the playoffs.

UCLA student: Hi Bill far do you see the UCLA basketball team getting in the NCAA tournament?

Bill Plaschke: ucla will WIN national basketball championship. write it down.

Mack: Bill- The Rockets have been on fire they have a chance of winning the West? Or will they get bounced in the semi’s?

Bill Plaschke: and mike, e-mail me at times about that lunch bet

mikeb: I will do so bill

Bill Plaschke: mack, rockets have only beaten two good teams during that hot stretch. they might win one round. one.

josh: Have you gotten the chance to sit down with Torre? Do you think he is a good fit for the team?


Bill Plaschke: josh, if torre is willing to put out the energy that he did in new york, he’ll be great here.

Ali: Do you think there is too much hype for the Lakers with Pau, Bynum is not even back? I think chemistry will be the big indicator for the Lakers can handle the Spurs, Mavs, and Suns.

nomuskles: suggestion on the lunch bet: la bottega in santa monica. good italian food, not too expensive.

mikeb: Josh-they will play Yanks again in the regular inter league rotation in a couple of years but 3 games in middle of season mean nothing-too bad the Dodgers will not make WS in our lifetime

josh: Just as long as he doesnt pitch procter in every game like he did in NY. Im worried about his bullpen managment

Bill Plaschke: no, ali, I think lakers have chemsitry that comes from phil jackson...again, they will get to western conference finals. but not good enough to beat spurs yet.


Amir: Can the Lakers go deep without Bynum?

mikeb: As for his energy Joshdid you see him sleeping on the bench during games?

Bill Plaschke: mike, you saw torre sleeping on bench during games?

josh: Lasorda used to sleep on the bench also.

Bill Plaschke: I never saw torre sleeping.

mikeb: yeah Bill-I have the dish and am big Yankee fan so watch all their games and he would doze-check with Yes network they probably can get you tape

Bill Plaschke: you still there, taint?

paoiswow: Bill, you’ve railed the lakers and kobe in the past - have you finaaly gotten on the bus - they clearly have the potential to get to the finals - what’ll it take?

mikeb: that sounds funny Bill-read that line

TaintMe: of course, I wouldn’t miss this for the world.

Bill Plaschke: paoiswow, again, I think lakers need more time together to beat spurs.

kobe24: Any word on how Bynum is progressing? when he’ll be back?

Bill Plaschke: we keep hearing bynum is progressing slowly. with team doing so well, he’ll be allowed to take his time, which is good.

ButrosButros: Hey Bill, TJ Simers said Pete Carroll was packing his bags. We’re on the verge of spring ball and Petey is still here. What was the deal with Petey becoming secretive with the LA media this winter?

Bill Plaschke: butrso, we always think pete is on the verge of leaving, but the right offer hasn’;t come along yet. pete is being secretive because he doesn’ twant to be a nick saban type guy who lies about not changing jobs. but he’s here for this season, anyway.

nomuskles: firejoemorgan recently criticized your style, how do you react to a situation like that? do you try and refine your style?


Fran 77: to follow up on your writing do you ever feel the need to live up to a jim murray standard just like we might judge a player for not living up to the jordan or tiger standard?

Amir: ok

mikeb: No one can live up to MJ or Jim

mikeb: but Bill has his own style which is great to read-just like the late great Mud wrote

Amir: Plaschke’s greatest articles are the Lakers Championship run articles...all i wanted to read come morning.

mikeb: in his own style

Bill Plaschke: nomuskles, I didn’t see the firejoemorgan thing, but I’ve seen plenty of firebillplaschke blogs, and all I can is, my style is who is I am..I can’t change that any sooner than I can chance the color of my eyes. And after all these years, I still have a job, so I must be doing something right.

UCLA student: Bill my friend, who do you see challenging UCLA for the NCAA Basketball title in March?

Bill Plaschke: fran, I don’t try to live up to jim murray. he was the greatest ever. he was also a completely different writer than me. I just try to live up to myself, as cliche as that sounds.


Bill Plaschke: ucla student, I see tennessee and UNC challenging UCLA.

doris: Hi Doris here!

Mack: Bill what do you think the dolphins will do first round...McFadden was a monster yesterday...will they trade down or keep the #1 pick?

Bill Plaschke: hello doris.

doris: Glad to see you welcome a lady in on the talk

Bill Plaschke: I see dolphins trading first pick to cowboys...dolphins have running backs, they need a bunch of different things that cowboys can give them.

sapogi: Dear Bill, thanks for holding down the fort on Around the Horn for all the LA fans

josh: Whats your favorite topic to talk about on ATH? And why doesnt Woody Play to win??!?!?! He always talks himself out of points! Cracks me up but makes me nuts.

Bill Plaschke: thanks, sapogi...hey josh, woody does try to win..but sometimes he’s just too funny to win. he is asked about apples, and ends up talking about oranges...

doris: I’m looking at the college baseball season, who do you like?

TaintMe: I’m not too familiar,but firejoemorgan is just a blog where people who wish they were writers go to rip on guys who are actually great writers, correct?

Bill Plaschke: goodness, doris, I have no idea about college baseball

eman: how do you think Lamar Odom will fare when he shifts back to the 3 once Bynum comes back?


doris: come on bill you are from louisville!

Bill Plaschke: hey taint, thanks for the support! I thought firejoemorgan just wanted to fire joe morgan.

nomuskles: yeah, but the firejoemorgan guys revealed themselves to be writers afterall. one of them writes for the office.

nomuskles: poor joe morgan

Bill Plaschke: well, nomuskles, the office is the most hilarious show on TV, so I give that guy full props

doris: i’m from vero beach, we are sure going to miss the dodgers!

kobe24: Do you think the Lakers will explore trading Lamar, since he doesn’t exactly fit the 3 spot?

Bill Plaschke: I’m sorry, doris, but the dodgers will not reallyi miss vero beach

Bill Plaschke: and, no, kobe, lakers are not going to take lamar

sapogi: Bill, I also enjoyed your column after the Mitchell report and exposing the former Dodger “greats” on their cheating. What is the current sentiment in that clubhouse, especially after some admissions to cheating

Bill Plaschke: lamar has never been better, with gasol and everyone involved now.

Fran 77: did you think the fans really care about the steriod thing in baseball? Shouldn’t congress be focused on other things?


doris: i hope the dry heat makes their hats shrink

nomuskles: I think fans care to a certain extent but congress shouldn’t care as much as it has, IMO

Bill Plaschke: thanks sapogi,...and fran, I agree, that fans don’t really care...but I do think that the fans should care, because it is outright cheating and it effects everyone.

Amir: Bill, looking back - do you still feel that Kobe should have been traded? Do you think he will opt out in 09?

Amir: You wanted Kobe traded for his behavior towards Buss. Do you still think it would have been a good thing?

Bill Plaschke: congress is involved because it gasve baseball antitrust exemption in 1916..

kobe24: Why do you hate Kobe so much?

Bill Plaschke: yes, amir, I wanted kobe traded...and if he opts out of his contract after next year, it will look really bad. but right now, well, buss gave him what he wanted.


Ali: Whats wrong with the Clippers

Bill Plaschke: and kobe24, I don’t hate kobe, I just hate his whining.

nomuskles: Do you have a plan to fix the clippers and help them win a title? If so, does it involve making Bill Simmons the GM?

Bill Plaschke: ali, clippers have so many problems, all stemming from brand’s injury...and nomuskles, I don’t think any team needs any kind of sportswriter or sports blogger as general manager.

Fran 77: is barry bonds going to play anywhere this year?

Bill Plaschke: fran77, bonds plays nowhere...he’s out of shape and in too much trouble

Mack: i have the greatest suggestion for HORN!, Tony should be a contestant for a week , and each day of the week you guys should rotate being the host you know one day You, then Tim, Woody, Jay, and KB

Amir: great idea mack

Bill Plaschke: mack,that’s a great idea....seriusly, I’ll pass it along.

Amir: what other sports writers from major papers do you like to read?

Bill Plaschke: how come taint isn’t asking any questions?

doris: hey, will you have a book signing when you are in vero?? i love your book on lasorda, the best ever!!!

Mack: excellent, just make sure so shout me out

josh: Maybe even have The PTI boys be guest players with the writers as the judges

Bill Plaschke: amir, I love the writers in st. louis and kansas city...great stuff there.

nomuskles: Do you think sports is a forum where we can deal with race and gender and class constructively? or should it all just be left on the sidelines and about the competition?

Bill Plaschke: doris, no book signing in vero. I don’t even know if book is still being sold. but thanks for the kind words!


Bill Plaschke: nomuskles, sports is the perfect forum where we can deal with race and gender. that’s what I try to do..

danthelakerfan: Do the editor changes @ LAT affect your writing?

Bill Plaschke: hey dan, no, the editor changes at our paper are so far above my head, they don’t really effect our writing. I’m sure it has impact on our sports editor and his mission, but our writing stays the same.

nomuskles: How does the players having their own blogs (greg oden, gilbert arenas, etc.) affect your job and your industry? TrueHoop always talks about the barriers between fans and players becoming smaller.

Bill Plaschke: fans don’t believe players blogs. fans still believe in credibility of journalists. at least, I hope they do.

nomuskles: People from other parts of the country always say it’s a shame LA doesn’t have a pro football team, but I sort of take a little pride in the idea that we’re not just willing to spend taxpayer money on a stadium when the state/city have other financial priorities. Is that the actual reason we haven’t seen an NFL team here?

Bill Plaschke: great comment, nomuskles..I LOVE that we have stood up to the mighty NFL, and we still have our three games every sunday, and we’re happy, and we don’t need to be putting taxpayer money behind millionaires.


GF: Hi Bill. What is the status of Radmanovich?

nomuskles: oh sadness! I love players blogs. Maybe not as sources of truth, but just as insights into their lives.

Bill Plaschke: hey gf..I believe he gets an MRI today...nobody knows the seriousness of his injury, last I looked.

TaintMe: I’m still here, just trying to mutlitasking and work too...another question, what’s your favorite LA hang-out? are you a hollywood-type guy?

Administrator2: Hey Nomuskles...have you seen

nomuskles: yes, it’s super! whoever worked to get that going deserves a gold star or three.

Bill Plaschke: hey taint..sorry, I’m not really a hollywood guy...although when I have close friends come in from out of town, they’ll take me to places like The Falcon and the Frolic Room, those are fun. But, sadly, no, I’m just a louisville guy in l.a.

UCLA student: hey bill, what have you heard about that possibility of developing an NFL stadium in City of Industry. I live in neighboring Diamond Bar, and I am of the NIMBY mindset with regards to such a construction.


Administrator2: I agree! : )

Bill Plaschke: don’t worry, UCLA student, that’s all just talk...until somebody will spend a BILLION dollars on a stadium and team, it’s not happening.

sapogi: Bill, what’s your favorite sport to watch and to write about?

Bill Plaschke: sapogi, I love baseball because I covered it for 10 years as a beat guy...every inning is like a chapter in a book..

Amir: what is your favorite LA sports game/moment?

nomuskles: robert horry for three to beat the kings

Amir: epic

Amir: or game 7 v. portland

Bill Plaschke: a tie between Gibby’s homer and Kobe-to-Shaq ally-oop in game seven vs. blazers...

Fran 77: have you ever meet or been in a situation where you have thought. this is why i became a sportswriter.

nomuskles: i once got booty bumped by charles barkley at a lakers game. bill, you can steal that answer if you like.

Bill Plaschke: hey fran..yes, robert horry’s shot...derek fisher’s shot...and kobe-to-shaq ally oop..


GF: Bill, what is your view so far of the Suns after Detroit’s spanking?

Bill Plaschke: I’ve said it before, GF..I thinks suns are done.

mquezada26: Bill, please stop flip-flopping on the Dodgers youth movement...what do you think of LaRoche?

sapogi: steve Kerr gambled and lost!

Bill Plaschke: mquezada, I never flip flopped...I thought it was a good idea to give the kids a chance then, when the season disintegrated, it became obvious that they weren’t ready. I think most of them are ready now. including laroche.

ButrosButros: Hey Bill, who is the most detestable person to ever wear a Los Angeles uniform (baseball, baksetball, football, etc.). I vote for Kevin Brown, pitcher for the Dodgers. What an awful person.

nomuskles: OJ?

Bill Plaschke: butros, I agree, kevin brown was awful..he was so nasty, a magazine sent someone to his hometown to write a nice story about him, and his own neighbors ripped him.

Mike: What’s the real scoop on Bynum? Thanks.

Bill Plaschke: but, yesh, nomuskles, good point, o.j. has to be the worst.

UCLA student: i agree with nomuskles, its OJ

Bill Plaschke: my take on bynum is, he won’t be 100 percent until next season, that’s why the gasol trade was made.

UCLA student: but thats also because he went to usc, lol

sapogi: How do we revamp Hockey?

nomuskles: give them bazookas.

josh: Hockey doesnt need to be revamped

josh: it just needs more air time

Bill Plaschke: sapogi, hockey needs to adopt olympic rules to make it faster..make the nets wider, too.


ButrosButros: I disagree, he never wore a Raiders jersey when he killed two people. In fact, he was just another celeb in L.A. He was a Trojan, but again, he wasn’t a knife wielding maniac as a Trojan.

GF: Hey Bill, what on earth happened to the Kobester yesterday? At least it heppened when it happened!!!!

Bill Plaschke: for all the faults I find with kobe (and he finds faults with me, as well), he is incredible competitor..yesterday was just another example.

Amir: so, can The Show make it to the WCF without Bynum?

Bill Plaschke: yes, amir, I think they make the WCF...but lose to spurs once there.

UCLA student: Bill, did you read that piece by TJ Simers about the failure of the Beckham soccer experiment in the US? What are your thoughts? I really wanted the LA galaxy to be good and popular.

danthelakerfan: Is it worth risking Bynum this year? Maybe rest him until next year? This laker group has a great core now.

ItzClockwork: Stop being in denial. You’re a flip-flopper. You go for the flavor of the day


Bill Plaschke: ucla student, beckham experiment needs more time..I’ve seen him play..I’m not a soccer guy, but he’s amazing.

Fran 77: I used to think phil jackson was over rated now i think he’s great any thought on how good or bad phil really is?

Bill Plaschke: itz, what am I denying?

nomuskles: I vote for bringing Bynum back this year. Plus, how often, does he have a chance to compete for a championship?

Bill Plaschke: fran, I agree, phils is a heckuva coach, but I’ve always said that.

Amir: Bill, when you criticize a player like Kobe or a coach does that make it tough for you to be granted future interviews?

Bill Plaschke: bynum will come back, but in a limited role

Bill Plaschke: no, amir, players are usually classy and professional enough that they understand criticism is part of the process. heck, I get ripped in our saturday letter’s pages more than some of the players are ever ripped.

nomuskles: Will Shaq have his number retired by the Lakers when he retires? I say he has to get that honor but maybe he burned too many bridges?


kobe24: Do you think the Shaq trade was horrible for Phoenix?

Bill Plaschke: great point, nomuskles..I think he should get it retired, yes.

freddy: It’s hard to believe the stanley cup resides in Socal based on these comments,watch the Ducks!

kobe24: How do you rate this current Laker team to the Shaq-Kobe years? They clearly have a much better bench now.

danthelakerfan: Getting rid of brick hands (Kwame) was great. Is this the best Laker off load ever?

Bill Plaschke: kobe24, shaq trade was desparate move by desparate team.

Bill Plaschke: hey freddy, you’re right, hard to believe stanley cup is here.

Bill Plaschke: hey dan, yes, best laker dump ever...and kwame has stunk for memphis, right?

nomuskles: lol @ dan. The day the trade went down I was so happy. best day i had at work in about forever.

Amir: if kobe never wins a championship as a Laker, is 8 or 24 retired?

nomuskles: he’ll insist on 24, i think.

Bill Plaschke: I think if shaq’s number is retired, kobe’s number HAS to be retired, too...number 8, of course.


nomuskles: the rest of us will retire 8 in our minds

eman: what kind of numbers do you see Matt Kemp putting up this year?

Bill Plaschke: matt kemp is capable of 20-90 with a .350 obp...that would be huge.

freddy: Bill, I always like to say that Ginobilli has the biggest heart of any NBA player, agree?

Bill Plaschke: freddy, I’d like to introduce you to a guy named derek fisher..

sapogi: I’ve lived in Philly for 4 can’t believe the laker-hatred there. Makes me happy to come back to SoCal and chat it up with true sports fans and root for the purple and gold

nomuskles: I wish someone could get to the bottom of why Kobe changed his number. Saying he was going back to a number he had in high school isn’t a good enough reason I think.

Bill Plaschke: who knows what kobe is EVER thinking? he’s a truly mysterious dude.

Fran 77: Will Ricky Williams play in the NFL again?

nomuskles: Yeah, Philly fans hate that we stomped on them in the finals and they hang onto AI’s 3 pointer and Raja Bell’s defense like no other.

Bill Plaschke: as long as ricky williams is breathing, somebody will take a chance on him.

Bill Plaschke: philly fans are worst in sports..

simers: would you recommend going into the sports journalism biz if a soon to be college grad were to ask you

Fran 77: they booed santa claus....santa claus come on

nomuskles: Yeah, but I love Philly fans too. Their support for the Eagles and Phils is pretty admirable when you consider how bad they’ve been and all the fairweather fans out here.


Bill Plaschke: yes, simers, I would recommend going into the biz, because newspapers and websites will always need content providers.

ButrosButros: Bill, you’ve been around for several years. Name an NBA player who’s downfall was most tragic, given their physical talents and potential to contribute. I have in mind Shawn Kemp, amazing physical and potential, all gone due to alcoholism. He’s still rich, but not happy. Sad.

nomuskles: Exhibit A = Angels “fans” a few years back.

nomuskles: Eddie Griffin, Vin Baker

Bill Plaschke: butros, I hate to use the word, ‘tragic’ with any millionaire athlete...

googoo: Bill. I think the Bruins are better when Westbrook is at the point and Collison is at the 2,,,,he just lets the shot clock get to short before he tries to set something up. What’s your take?

Bill Plaschke: I agree, westbrook has become better pro prospect, too...he’s really benefitted from howland.

char: What do you predict for Trojan Football?

Amir: is there anyway to search for articles that are from 2000, 20001? your archive goes back like a month?

Administrator2: Hey Amir, we’re working all the time to improve search on We have made some improvements in the past weeks so you might want to try searching for Bill’s articles again.


Bill Plaschke: char, trojans will be as good as all depends on the quarterback...sanchez or mustain..

Hard Rock: So very little to offer on Dodgertown - nostalgia is a tricky thing - I think most Dodgers fans really appreciate the nostalgia of Vero Beach and link to Brooklyn days - but we don’t have to stay there, just visit. Don’t you think you missed that angle in 2/10 column?

ItzClockwork: We need you to hype up the Dodgers on ATH. Tired of the East Coast Bias on ESPN

Bill Plaschke: hard rock, I’ve spent parts of 20 years in vero, and rarely seen an l.a. fan there...that was my angle..

ahj: bill do you think the aquisition of andruw jones is enough to make l.a. a contender?

josh: how can andrew jones come to camp overweight? Shouldnt he want to be in shape put him self in the position to make more dough?

doris: if you havent’ been to dodgertown, you are missing a wonderful place

Bill Plaschke: itz, I can only hype dodgers if they hype themselves.

Bill Plaschke: I know jones is heavier, but I don’t know how he plays..somebody said he is more muscular...I’ll guess we’ll find out..


Hard Rock: Bill - mostly Brooklyn fans - point being, it’s the last vestage of the east coast Dodgers. Think you missed that in your diatribe on costs and convenience . . .

GF: So you actually think that the Lakers don’t win it all???

char: Keep up the good work Bill, I really look forward to reading your columns, especially the human interest stories, like Ricky Rosas.

Bill Plaschke: but hard rock, being in l.a., we don’t really care about east coast dodgers...dodgers stopped being a national team when o’malley sold them.

Bill Plaschke: thanks, char..

TaintMe: Hey Amir, check out Bill’s book from a few years ago for some great older can get it on amazon...brilliantly titled, “Plaschke” ;-) It really is a great read!

ItzClockwork: Liked your article on Matt offer to buy Matt Kemp lunch? League minimum has to be twice as much money as Plaschke makes.

ItzClockwork: Do u think Kemp should still be traded?

simers: yeah, the ricky rosas story was great, did you actually ride the bus with him?

Bill Plaschke: itz, I never said kemp should be traded. I said MANAGEMENT wanted him traded...but they changed their minds.


Amir: thanks taint-appreciate that. i just bought adanades book, not bad

kobe24: Will Kobe ever publically rescind his trade demand?

Bill Plaschke: thanks, for the plug, taint....yeah, that book title was briliant, huh?..took me days to think of it..

Bill Plaschke: kobe24, your guy will never publicly rescind his demand..he’s keeping his options open..

josh: Where do you see Pierre? Lf Bench Traded?

Bill Plaschke: pierre will be platooned until traded at the deadline to a pennant-contending team that needs speed.

Hard Rock: OK Mr. P - Char, I’ve told Mr. P repeatedly that the only avenue to a Pulitzer for him is human interest pieces . . .

nomuskles: thanks bill for doing this. later skaters.

doris: do you have another book in the works?

Bill Plaschke: thanks for asking, doris, but no other books in the works.

ItzClockwork: You did have a good article on Kemp though. Was signing Pierre the worse signing in the history of the Dodgers?

Amir: checkout the bill’s article on magic recently, its a good one if you havent yet

Bill Plaschke: thanks everyone, I’m checking out now, let’s do it again next week..

Amir: later

sapogi: gracias, adios

TaintMe: tickled to death to talk w/you!

Bill Plaschke: I’ll be in vero beach, I can chat from there, I’ll be able to check out jones’ weight


Fran 77: Thanks Bill

Administrator2: Folks, if you missed any of today’s chat, you’ll find the transcript at later today.

Bill Plaschke: thanks taint...I’m the one who was tickled..

char: this was fun, let’s do it again soon!!!

Administrator2: Thanks Bill!

Fran 77: admin 2 thanks to you too

Administrator2: Aw, thank YOU fran!

Administrator2: Hope to see you at the next chat.

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