Too much is never enough
Mary McDonalds pet peeve? Bad lighting! Here, golden porch fixtures and tabletop candles illuminate one of her outdoor rooms, handsomely appointed with wicker furniture and blue-and-white porcelain. I entertain in the whole yard. (Lawrence K. Ho / LAT)
By the light of her grandmothers candelabrum, McDonald places color-coordinated goblets and dinner plates from one of many sets of china. (Lawrence K. Ho / LAT)
A 19th century Chinese vase lamp shares space in McDonalds upstairs sitting room with plates from the same era and Chinese slippers from the 1920s in turquoise and pink. She says that whatever the current craze, Ill always have something pink. (Lawrence K. Ho / LAT)
In the master bath, a 20s table sits next to a banquette covered with tufted, striped cotton: Its just something I made because my girlfriends always end up there talking to me while I get ready. (Lawrence K. Ho / LAT)
Mary McDonald, center, entertains guests in her Hollywood Hills home. With her, from left, are Mark Freeman, Kimm Uzielli, Victoria Achaval and Miguel Flores-Vianna. (Lawrence K. Ho / LAT)
McDonald’s closet uses all available space. I have a whole shoe thing. I love fashion and style not necessarily couture. I have a bag for every pair of shoes and Im always collecting. Hooks under shelves keep bags, beads and bangles close at hand. (Lawrence K. Ho / LAT)
A 19th century gilded mirror hangs in her upstairs sitting room. I love chocolate brown. It works with any pastel and it grounds the airy-fairiness and the girliness, she says. (Lawrence K. Ho / LAT)
Always ready to receive guests, a lavish outdoor room resembling a lighted stage is tucked in a corner of McDonalds garden. (Lawrence K. Ho / LAT)