
Cardio exercise that multi-tasks

A fun way to rev up your workout is to combine movements that raise your heart rate while working your legs and core. Try this move in a wide-open area.

-- Karen Voight

Step 1 Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and your toes facing forward. Hold a 5-pound dumbbell in front of your chest with arms straight out and a hand on each end of the dumbbell. Bend your knees into a squat and rotate your upper body to the right, keeping both arms straight and your knees facing front.

Step 2 Shift your weight to your left leg, straightening it as you lift your right knee in front of you. Simultaneously rotate your torso to the center, raising your arms above your head. Remember to keep your arms straight throughout the entire move. Step down and repeat the squat, rotating to your right for eight repetitions. Switch legs and repeat on the other side.


Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].
