
Vandals destroy six vintages of Case Basse in Montalcino

Vandals destroy six vintages of wine at Case Basse in Italy.
(Josep Lago / AFP/Getty Images)
Restaurant Critic

Jeremy Parzen who puts together the wine list for Sotto just posted some news on his popular wine blog Do Bianchi., an online source for wine news in Italy, is reporting that in the night, vandals entered the cellars of Case Basse, an acclaimed producer of Brunello di Montalcino, and simply turned on the spigots, emptying the casks onto the floor. Six entire vintages -- 2007 to 2012 -- have been lost.

It is absolutely sickening, especially because these are among the best wines in the Montalcino appellation in southern Tuscany. It is a huge and very cruel blow to owner Gianfranco Soldera and to wine lovers around the world. Case Basse is a small producer: Soldera makes just 10,000 bottles per year. (The 2005 Case Basse di Soldera Brunello di Montalcino is currently selling for about $250 per bottle.)

Nothing seems to have been stolen.

Who could have done such a thing? And why?


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