
Recipe: Espresso granita

10 minutes, plus chilling and freezing times. Serves 6 to 8

1 cup finely ground dark-roast coffee beans


1 1/4 cups sugar

1 stick cinnamon

1. Make strong coffee from beans and 4 cups boiling water. Strain and set aside. You will need 3 cups of coffee.

2. In a medium saucepan, bring 1 cup water and 11/4 cups sugar to a boil with the cinnamon stick. Boil until the sugar is dissolved, about 3 minutes, then combine the sugar syrup and 3 cups of coffee and chill in the refrigerator until cold.

3. Remove the cinnamon stick and pour the mixture into a 12-by-9-inch metal baking pan and place in the freezer.


4. After about 1 hour, stir with a fork to break up the ice crystals. Repeat four or five times over 2 to 3 hours. Each time, the ice will be a little less liquid and will stick together more. When it is firm enough to hold a shape, it is done. Try not to let the mixture freeze solid. If it does, chop it into small pieces in the pan, and grind it in the food processor. (The result will be lighter and fluffier, and the flavor will not be as dense and luscious.) This makes about 6 cups granita.


Calories 130

Protein 0

Carbohydrates 33 grams

Fiber 0

Fat 0

Cholesterol 0

Sugar 33 grams

Sodium 13 mg
