
Channing Tatum and Jimmy Fallon perform ‘Magic Mike’ scenes written by kids

“The Tonight Show” asked elementary school kids to write scenes for a film entitled “Magic Mike.” The children were supposed to imagine what that movie would be about.

Channing Tatum, who stars as a stripper in the upcoming “Magic Mike XXL,” and Jimmy Fallon performed the results Tuesday on a show segment called “Kid Theater.” (Though none of the storylines involved male strippers, they did center on aliens, magic birds and bicycle repairmen.)

The first scene was written by an 8-year-old boy from Dallas. The set-up was that Josh’s bike had a flat tire, and -- just as vital to the plot -- was that he needed help. (Tatum played Magic Mike and Fallon was Josh.)


“Oh no, my bike has a flat tire. How am I gonna get to hockey practice on time?” said Fallon, reading from a script. “I know what I’ll do. I’ll call Magic Mike!”

“Yes, I am Magic Mike,” replied Tatum. “I am like regular Mike, except magic.”

Next, to bursts of laughter from the studio audience, Magic Mike declares he is taking out his “magic bike pump” to fix the tire. Mike pumps and pumps and eventually the tire is back to normal.

But when Fallon asks what’s so magical about the bike pump, Tatum responds: “Oh yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m just Mike.”


Grown-up audiences can see Channing Tatum portray the new big-screen version of Magic Mike beginning July 1. The movie is R-rated and was definitely not written by elementary school children.
