
‘Jurassic World’ vs. ‘Avengers’: Who’s No. 1, adjusting for inflation?

“Jurassic World” set a record for the biggest opening weekend in film history — or did it? What happens when ticket sales are adjusted for inflation? Do the rampaging dinosaurs still claim the No. 1 spot on the all-time list?

Universal initially reported “Jurassic World” ticket sales of $204.6 million in the U.S. and Canada on Sunday, slightly behind the $207.4 million opening of “The Avengers” in 2012. But come Monday morning, Universal updated its “Jurassic” sales to $208.8 million, seemingly good to lay claim to No. 1.

But we plugged opening weekend grosses into the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index Inflation Calculator. Older films such as “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows II” and “Spider-Man 3” moved up a bit in the rankings, and “Iron Man 3” and “The Dark Knight Rises” slipped a bit, but the most noteworthy change: “The Avengers” reclaimed the No. 1 spot with an inflation-adjusted total of $213.7 million.


The rest of the top 10 didn’t budge much. Here’s the top 10 ranked by inflation-adjusted opening weekend grosses (with the original, non-adjusted grosses in parentheses):

1. “The Avengers,” 2012, $213.7 million adjusted for inflation ($207.4 million)

2. “Jurassic World,” 2015, $208.8 million

3. “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” 2015, $191.3 million

4. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows II,” 2011, $178 million adjusted ($169.2 million)

5. “Iron Man 3,” 2013, $176.8 million adjusted ($174.1 million)

6. “The Dark Knight,” 2008, $174.1 million adjusted ($158.4 million)

7. “Spider-Man 3,” 2007, $172.4 million adjusted ($151.1 million)

8. “The Dark Knight Rises,” 2012, $165.8 million adjusted ($158.4 million)

9. “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire,” 2013, $160.6 million adjusted ($158.1 million)

10. “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Curse,” 2006, $159.1 million adjusted ($135.6 million)
