
Butler: ‘Olympus Has Fallen’ is really a tale of ‘redemption’

If you head out to see the Gerard Butler action movie “Olympus Has Fallen” this weekend, you’re probably going for the pyrotechnics: The White House is blown to smithereens, the Washington Monument dramatically implodes, many bad guys die violently.

But Butler, who stars as the fallen Secret Service agent and one-man wrecking crew Mike Banning in the D.C.-under-fire-from-North-Korean-terrorists tale, sees in it something a little more … nuanced.

“This movie is a hero’s journey about a guy who faces his demons and finds his redemption,” Butler told The Times when asked what he thought the movie was really about. Butler’s character is wracked by guilt over a mistake that led to the death of the first lady.


PHOTOS: Scenes from ‘Olympus Has Fallen’

The actor elaborated:

“It’s about the darkest hour, and do we rise to the occasion. There’s a lot of inspiration in that. You get inside a character and follow him through all his pain. And suddenly he’s given the opportunity to do something he’s trained his whole life to do … it’s a movie about second chances and about heroism and about dislocation.”


Anyway, though director Antoine Fuqua had former counter-terrorism and security officials on set nearly every day -- per Fuqua’s request, one told The Times -- the movie doesn’t offer up any national security secrets. Still, Butler said he’s sensitive to the idea that he and the rest of the cast are laying out a potential attack in some detail.


“We thought, ‘Are we being irresponsible?’ Or ‘Is this a blueprint?’ And it’s definitely not,” he said. “They [terrorists] have so much more up their sleeve than we could ever imagine.”

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Yet Butler acknowledges there are some real echoes to a movie with North Korean villains. After all, back in the real world, tensions have been rising along the 38th Parallel, and there’s general uncertainty with the rise of Kim Jong-un.

“You always make a movie related to the backdrop of your cultural situation — what’s affecting your world and your consciousness. We made a point of not involving the North Korean government … it’s a rogue organizaiton, and they’re affected by it all too. They’re not the villains.”


Still, we wouldn’t count on an invitation to Dennis Rodman’s next goodwill tour.


Antoine Fuqua seeks truth amid action

Hollywood storms the West Wing

Movie Review: Olympus Has Fallen

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