
TV This Week


This is how the end begins: A seemingly harmless special like “ FIRST: Science Is Rock and Roll” spotlights a science-and-robotics competition for K-12 students, which inspires the creation of more robots, who then take over the world. The Black Eyed Peas and Willow Smith – who may or may not be robots – perform. (7 p.m. ABC)

Before he was an Oscar and Grammy winner, Jaime Foxx helped spoof pop-culture on the hit 1990s series “In Living Color.” Now the A-lister is exec-producing the similarly styled sketch-comedy show “In the Flow With Affion Crockett.” (Fox, 9 p.m.)


No, her first name ain’t “baby,” it’s Gloria… Ms. Steinem, if you’re nasty! The ground-breaking, glass-ceiling-shattering feminist, activist, author and publisher is profiled in Peter Kunhardt’s new documentary “Gloria: In Her Own Words.” (HBO, 9 p.m.)



Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? Not at all? Well, don’t fret. “SoCal Connected’s” Val Zavala (above) and a crew of experts will get your green thumb into high gear in the special “The Edible Garden: Breaking Ground.” (KCET, 8 p.m.)


The South shall rise again… but then it never really fell. From Nashville’s hit-makers to NASCAR’s hot-rodders, the special “You Don’t Know Dixie” maps out the former Confederate States’ continuing contributions to American culture. (History, 9 p.m.)


The documentary “Prostitution: Leaving the Life” follows three former sex workers on missions of mercy to Chicago’s Cook County Jail, where they try to help female inmates gain the confidence to free themselves from the system and the streets. (OWN, 9 p.m.)



The docu-series “Tanked” profiles Wayde King and Brett Raymer, co-founders of Las Vegas-based Acrylic Tank Manufacturing, purveyors of super-sized aquariums for high-end homes, hotels, banks and businesses. Fish sold separately. (Animal Planet, 9 p.m.)


Train, or twang? Denzel Washington puts the brakes on an “Unstoppable” locomotive in director Tony Scott’s 2010 actioner, and Gwyneth Paltrow (below) proves she’s “Country Strong” in that 2010 music-biz melodrama. (HBO, 8 p.m.; Starz, 9 p.m.)
