Hollywood Headlines: A crazy week in review
You know how when you read an autobiography you wonder how the writer remembers all the names? And then you wonder how much is made up to paste over the cracks in memory? Well,
If you’re going to swan around on stage looking like...well, a swan, then you’re certainly not going to let down the veil when being interviewed. Not if you’re a pro. And not if you’re
So here it is, girls. If you wanna attack the biggest movie stars with broken bottles -- and sure, we know, the urge can sometimes be so overwhelming -- you’re just going to end up in trouble with the law. That’s what happened to Aretha Wilson, who is accused of attacking
So the saga comes to an end -- for now.
Bristol Palin has decided that her re-engagement to Levi Johnston isn’t the best idea and has moved back with mommy. What did that nasty Levi do this time? No one’s entirely sure -- but a few fingers point to the rumor that he’d gotten another girlfriend pregnant, a rumor both he and the girl flatly deny. But either way, it was obvious that Bristol forgot to vet her running mate; she’d announced the re-engagement in a cover story piece for US magazine and was happy to be pictured with him. It reminds us of someone else who didn’t vet their running mate too well either. We forgot who. But then he probably has too. Click for more on Bristol’s baby daddy and mama drama. (Emmanuel Dunand / Getty Images)
Mike Tyson made a huge reveal this summer. Talking on ESPN Las Vegas’ “Gridlock” radio show, he said that the reason he did “The Hangover” was to “supply my drug habit.” That could also explain his performance. Tyson says that since then he’s gone vegan and lost 130 pounds. But it won’t stop fans of “The Hangover” from re-watching the film knowing the state the champ was in when he shot it -- and perhaps seeing it in a whole new light. (Ethan Miller / Getty Images)