
Chris Pratt’s awkward past with Kim Kardashian -- and nudity

It isn't that Chris Pratt wishes he hadn't made that joke about Kim Kardashian. He simply wishes she never had a chance of finding out about it.

It isn’t that Chris Pratt wishes he hadn’t made that joke about Kim Kardashian. He simply wishes she never had a chance of finding out about it.

(Michael Buckner / Getty Images)

Chris Pratt loves to talk trash -- but don’t expect him to do it to your face. At least not on purpose.

Witness the thing with Kim Kardashian.

The “Guardians of the Galaxy” actor, who’s starring in “Jurassic World” later this summer, crossed paths with the reality diva on the set of 2009’s “Deep in the Valley,” a movie with a lewd, porn-related comedic premise that Pratt called “not good.”

“She’d never really done an acting gig before,” he explained to GQ in its June issue. “She was so ... sweet, and she was nervous.”


Anyway, that sweet thing was apparently on his mind a while later when, as Andy Dwyer on “Parks and Recreation,” he ad-libbed a joke at her expense. The gag was too crude for network TV or for this blog, but the GQ article has the gist of it. Hint: It riffed on her sex tape.

“It was a very, very funny joke,” Pratt said, but one that in hindsight he specifically requested remain on the cutting-room floor. Not even for DVD-blooper consideration. However, in the charming way that Hollywood works, it eventually surfaced. Years later he ran into her on an airplane, he said, and tried his best to go unnoticed.

“It’s really kind of a bummer,” Pratt told the magazine. “She probably doesn’t know or doesn’t care, I’m sure, but I don’t like to make jokes at other people’s expense, if I can help it.”


But wait, that’s not exactly right.

“I like to keep my jokes about people safely way behind their backs...,” he clarified. “If I’m gonna make a joke at someone’s expense, I’ll do it so that they can never hear it.”

That wasn’t the only time Pratt’s improvisation got him in hot water on the “Parks and Rec” set. There was also the occasion, during a series of takes in which his character was supposed to surprise Amy Poehler’s character by showing up in a doorway naked, when he actually got completely naked on set. Seems he’d been “naked a lot” as a kid growing up. Surprise!

NBC was not pleased.

“HR sent me a letter. Someone obviously must have complained about it or something,” Pratt said. “I guess now that I don’t work for them, I can make fun of it, but part of the letter was saying, like, ‘Also, don’t mock this. Just so we’re clear, you’re being reprimanded, and don’t go around talking about how this is funny.’”


In recent years, Pratt said, he’s learned to keep his clothes on.

Too funny.

The June GQ is on newsstands in L.A. and New York on Thursday and in the rest of the country on May 26.

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