
Chromium 6 contamination suspected at Disney Studios [video chat]

Federal and state regulators are investigating whether a vintage air conditioning system at Walt Disney Studios in Burbank played a role in contaminating groundwater with chromium 6, a cancer-causing heavy metal widely used in aerospace manufacturing and other industries.

The Times will host a Google+ Hangout at 1 p.m. PDT with Times reporters Richard Verrier and Chip Jacobs, moderated by Times columnist David Lazarus. We invite you to join in on the conversation by posting comments below or on The Times’ Facebook and Google Plus pages or on Twitter using the #asklatimes hashtag.

LIVE VIDEO DISCUSSION: Join us at 1 p.m. today

In their story, Verrier and Jacobs report that the Burbank Disney site is being investigated as a possible source of chromium 6 contamination in the groundwater. The Environmental Protection Agency and the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board have focused much of their attention on the company’s original cooling system, which dates to 1938 and used groundwater pumped from wells to pre-cool and pre-heat buildings on the site. The wastewater from the system was discharged into settling basins and then to the Los Angeles River, as well as to Burbank’s storm system.



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