
Emmy chat: John Benjamin Hickey of ‘Manhattan’ on Monday

In his latest TV turn, John Benjamin Hickey plays the professor enlisted to help build the first atomic bomb in Los Alamos, New Mexico.

The 51-year-old actor stars as lead scientist Dr. Frank Winters in “Manhattan,” the 1940s-set drama on WGN America that centers on the people behind the Manhattan Project — the U.S. government’s enterprise that birthed the first atomic bombs during World War II.

The drama marks the second project in the Chicago-based network’s foray into scripted programming as it pivots from being known largely as a regional player to a national cable channel.


Hickey will visit the Los Angeles Times at 11 a.m. PDT Monday to discuss his approach to playing the mysterious and uncompromising Winters. And maybe we’ll work in a question or two about “The Good Wife,” in which he has a recurring role as internet mogul Neil Gross.

We’ll also be taking your questions, which you can leave in the comments section here or tweet to us using the hashtag #askLATimes.

See you Monday, and in the meantime, take a look at our other Emmy Contender conversations.


I tweet about TV (and other things) here: @villarrealy
