Our complete coverage of QAnon in California

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Many of Q’s story lines, including evil lizard aliens and a cabal of pedophiles, are pulled from films and television shows. Screenwriters are not happy.
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A world that has long embraced love, light and acceptance is now making room for something else: QAnon.
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Online conspiracy theorists have pivoted their focus to a “new world order” — a cabal of global elites they say include vaccine proponents, President Biden and Gov. Newsom.
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Four members of Orange County’s resurgent far right spoke at a pro-Trump rally in Washington the day before the Capitol riots. Their violent rhetoric targets foes both real and imagined.
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No easy answers when a family member has fallen into the clutches of “Q,” the conspiracy theory popular with supporters of former President Trump.
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The Jan. 6 Capitol attack has compelled many pastors across the country to speak out on their struggles to combat the spread of misinformation, conspiracy theories and QAnon beliefs among their congregations.
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A Riverside man identified as a QAnon believer was fired and arrested after a coworker saw him in Capitol riot photos.