
Police respond to protest against coronavirus restrictions outside Fairfax market

Los Angeles police responded Tuesday afternoon to what appeared to be a protest against coronavirus restrictions outside a market in the Fairfax district.

Video showed at least six police vehicles near Erewhon market on Beverly Boulevard. A crowd of protesters chanted in front of the market, some shouting, “Open up L.A.!” One person yelled, “They want you to wear a mask, they want you to lock down!”

Ira Brian Miller, a resident of West Hollywood, said he was walking toward the market to buy cheese and vegetables when he saw several dozen people storm the entrance of the building. None of them had on masks, he said, and some wore red hats in support of President Trump.


“They were pushing their way in,” said Miller, 39. “They were trying to push the workers out of the way for them to enter the store.”

Once inside, he said, he heard a female protester urge customers to take off their masks.

Officers responded to a call received about 3:30 p.m. No arrests were made.

“The situation became under control and contained,” said Los Angeles Police Department spokesman Mike Lopez.

An office administrator at Erewhon’s corporate headquarters said the market was not commenting on the incident.
