
Expense reports: Paying for porn, lottery tickets ... and tepees?

What do a tepee, cosmetic surgery and adult films have in common?

The possibilities are intriguing, but this trio is among a slew of colorful items submitted by U.S. employees on their expense reports.

Or at least that’s the claim of staffing services firm Robert Half Management Resources. The Menlo Park, Calif., company asked chief financial officers across the country about some of the most unusual things they’ve seen employees list on their expense reports.

Their greatest hits include:

  • Lottery tickets
  • $12,000 for a family trip
  • A speeding ticket
  • A fine for crashing into a toll booth
  • A day at the spa
  • Golf clubs
  • Hot tub supplies

Clearly, these staffers are finding real fulfillment in their work. No word on whether they got reimbursed. But you have to admire their honesty.



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