
Authors in support of Donald Trump are conservative thinkers and academics — plus one radical Marxist

With hundreds of prominent authors — including George R.R. Martin, Cheryl Strayed, Maureen Johnson and Salman Rushdie — planning to pull the lever Tuesday for Hillary Clinton, some authors are voicing their support for Donald Trump.

Most surprising, perhaps, is Slovenian writer Slavoj Žižek, the Marxist philosopher and provocateur. Žižek raised eyebrows recently when he explained that he’d vote for Trump if he were an American citizen. (He is not.)

Trump endorsers whose names might be familiar to bookstore browsers include high-profile conservatives Dinesh D’Souza (“The End of Racism”), Ann Coulter (“In Trump We Trust”), Roger L. Simon (“The Big Fix”) and Cal Thomas (“What Works”).


A more traditional bloc of Trump supporters is the conservative group Scholars and Writers for America. In September, more than 130 authors authors and academics released a statement expressing their support for the Republican presidential nominee.

While many of the group’s members have written books, don’t expect to find a lot of poets or novelists in the mix. Many of the pro-Trump authors are academics who have written books with titles like “The Analytic Tradition in Philosophy,” “Metaphysics: The Fundamentals” and “Meeting the Demands of Reason: The Life and Thought of Andrei Sakharov.”

Some names on the list are familiar ones, at least to political junkies, including former Education secretary Bill Bennett (“The Book of Virtues”), R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., (“The Death of Liberalism”) and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (“Treason”).


Another Trump supporter is Scott Adams, creator of the “Dilbert” comic strip and author of several books. Adams didn’t sign the Scholars and Writers for America list; he had previously endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton and Libertarian Gary Johnson before settling on Trump.

The Scholars and Writers for America group has released a “statement of unity,” which reads in part, “A vote for Donald Trump is the only feasible method of defending the principles of freedom, justice and prosperity we hold in common against the most serious threat we have ever faced, a threat that begins to look like the final defeat of republican government, and the permanent decline of the country we love.”

The Scholars and Writers for America list includes Conrad Black, the former newspaper publisher of the Jerusalem Post and the Chicago Sun-Times, and author of biographies of Richard Nixon and Franklin Roosevelt. But Black won’t be voting for Trump: The Canadian-born British citizen was deported from the United States in 2012 after serving a prison sentence for fraud and obstruction of justice.

Not all conservative writers have gotten behind this year’s Republican nominee, however. Science fiction novelist Orson Scott Card (“Ender’s Game”), who doesn’t consider himself a Republican despite voting for GOP candidates in the past, had harsh words for the New York billionaire. In a blog post in May, Card wrote, “When anybody blocks Trump, what does he do? He gets meaner and nastier.... What words or actions of Trump tell us that he does not have the instincts of a dictator?”

And a group called Scholars and Writers Against Trump, made up of Republicans and conservative independents, released an open letter in October urging readers not to vote for the Republican nominee.


The letter was signed by more than 150 authors, including novelist Christopher Buckley (“Thank You for Smoking”), whose father was conservative thinker William F. Buckley; Thomas Mallon (“Watergate”); and P.J. O’Rourke (“Parliament of Whores”).

But the numbers are on Clinton’s side when it comes to endorsements from authors. Writers who have said they’re backing the Democrat include John Grisham (“The Firm”), Amy Tan (“The Joy Luck Club”) and Roxane Gay (“Bad Feminist”).

And in May, a group of authors penned “An Open Letter to the American People,” which laid out the reasons the writers found Trump to be unqualified to serve as president. More than 450 authors signed the letter including Francine Prose (“Blue Angel”), Peter Ho Davies (“The Fortunes”), Rick Moody (“The Ice Storm”) and Karen Russell (“Swamplandia!”).
