
Underrated: ‘Doctor Who,’ secrecy Overrated: ‘Funny or Die,’ Roger Waters’ ‘The Wall’

The new ‘Doctor Who’: If you’ve noticed a spike in bowtie sales recently, it could be due to this lively and unmistakably British sci-fi classic, which launched another of its patented reboots on BBC America this spring. Think it’s strictly for Anglophiles, comic nerds and striped scarf enthusiasts? Last month’s premiere starring Matt Smith as the series’ 11th Doctor was the network’s most-watched telecast ever.

Secrecy: At a time when just about anything you want to know is either available or wildly speculated about on the Internet, it was refreshing to watch the rip in space-time that resulted when the trailer dropped for “Super 8,” the new and previously unannounced collaboration between J.J. Abrams and Steven Spielberg. We don’t know much about the story or if the film will be any good, but frankly that’s pretty refreshing too.

‘Funny or Die’ on HBO: There’s so much to like about this Internet comedy hub’s jump to premium cable — the endless stream of top talent willing to experiment (Zach Galifianakis, Rob Riggle), the show’s vintage-kitsch look — but too many sketches ultimately fall flat. Uneven results are part of the game when the only investment is download time, but when you’re paying for the privilege a little editing goes a long way.


Roger Waters’ ‘The Wall’: Even ignoring the hubbub that arose out of Waters’ marketing team mistakenly wheat-pasting over the oft-desecrated “Elliott Smith wall” in Silver Lake, we can’t figure out why this influential yet bloated prog-opera needs yet another go-round. Watch the deeply weird film, listen to this or any number of Pink Floyd’s albums, but this floating pig should be filled with plenty of cash by now.
