
The good and bad of Stephanie’s diet

Los Angeles Times

Stephanie Jacobson eats a smattering of whole grains and vegetables, which is better than none at all. She’s cut way back on her soda consumption and stopped drinking coffee. But fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and foods with calcium need to be added to her daily diet ASAP.

What she’s doing right: Stephanie Jacobson eats a smattering of whole grains and vegetables, which is better than none at all. She’s cut way back on her soda consumption and stopped drinking coffee because of her vertigo, replacing those beverages with water.

Where she needs improvement: Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and foods with calcium need to be added to her daily diet ASAP. Although she’s slim and in good health now, those almost-daily fast-food meals could catch up with her, possibly damaging her health. She should cook more healthful meals at home instead of constantly eating out. Restaurant meals should consist of lean proteins and lots of fruits and vegetables, with fewer fried foods and heavy sauces.
