
What did Jesus do?

Re “The reverend daughter,” Opinion, Nov. 7

During Patt Morrison’s interview with Crystal Cathedral pastor Sheila Schuller Coleman, Coleman states that “Jesus Christ was pressured to take a political stance against the Roman Empire, and he went to the cross remaining apolitical.”

What an astonishingly ignorant statement! Jesus’ preaching of the empire of God here on Earth -- an empire of peace, justice, unconditional love, radical equality and inclusiveness, sharing, hospitality, forgiveness, mercy and nonviolence -- put him on an inevitable collision course with the empire of Rome, an empire of war, violence, hatred, revenge, gross inequity and greed.

On his entering the city of Jerusalem, he engaged in political street theater and went to the cross without compromising his ideals and vision.


Jesus was executed by the Romans for defying their authority. He was not pressured to take a political stance. He was not apolitical.

Lloyd Wright

