
Cycling danger signs

Re “Physician convicted in bicycle crash case,” Nov. 3

From the start of the trial, I firmly believed that Dr. Christopher Thompson was guilty of all the actions he was charged with.

I also firmly believe that the groups of cyclists frequenting Mandeville Canyon are equally guilty of all of the actions he claims they have committed.

As a cyclist myself, I have frequently witnessed and have been subjected to the arrogant “pack mentality” that many cycling groups adopt when they ride. It was only a matter of time before a tragic confrontation such as this occurred.


Now that this issue has been brought up so publicly, my fervent hope is that all cycling groups will cast aside the prevalent “them versus us” attitude -- and gloating over the verdict -- and instead take to heart the lesson learned here: that vehicles and bikes all need to respect each other’s rights in order to safely share the roadways.

Gary Anderson

Westlake Village

Re “Cyclists have a lot riding on L.A. driver’s trial,” Nov. 1

I’m sorry that cyclists feel like “second-class citizens.” But as a walker who has many close calls with cars and bikes, I often feel like a third-class citizen. We pedestrians are the vulnerable ones. And I’m no happier with cyclists than I am with most drivers.

Joan Fantazia

Los Angeles


For the last three months, I’ve bicycled back and forth between La Mirada and Huntington Park, joining the growing group of bike commuters.


I’ve discovered that virtually every commuter route along that general corridor between the 605 and 710 freeways has no shoulder space, forcing cyclists up on the sidewalk.

Of course, this raises city ordinance eyebrows. Street route planners have created this tension among motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.

Scott Golden

La Mirada
