
Not feeling draft

I realize that I am probably a minority of one; nevertheless, I can’t be more thankful the NFL draft is over. Never have I seen so much made of so-what. The media has hyped this thing to where it seems it is secondary only to the Super Bowl itself. It has taken over ESPN and Fox Sports, and has been the primary topic of conversation for weeks, seemingly, almost to the exclusion of the playoffs. What’s worse is that the American public, sheep that they are, have swallowed this hook, line and sinker.

As an avid fisherman, I’m glad Americans aren’t my target fish, because I would get bored with too much catching and probably quit the sport. Maybe I can come up with a new “Pet Rock” and make millions selling virtually nothing to these people.

Jeff Breslow



The New York Jets were no more impressed with Pete Carroll’s hissy fit at the Mark Sanchez news conference than they were with his coaching of their team.


Alan Abajian

Alta Loma


I still think Pete Carroll had the best intentions telling Mark Sanchez it was a bad idea for him to declare for the draft. After all, if he had waited another year, he would have been a shoo-in for “Dancing With the Stars” and he would not have to actually work at his job, just carry a clipboard. I’m just saying.

Chris Pisano

Rancho Palos Verdes
