
Beatles and Lucy, reunited

Associated Press

They were childhood chums. Then they drifted apart, lost touch completely, and only renewed their friendship decades later, when illness struck.

Not so unusual, really.

Except she is Lucy Vodden -- the girl who was the inspiration for the Beatles’ 1967 classic “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds” -- and he is Julian Lennon, the musician son of John Lennon.

They are linked together by something that happened more than 40 years ago, when Julian brought home a drawing from school and told his father, “That’s Lucy in the sky with diamonds.”


Just the sort of cute phrase that a lot of 3- or 4-year-olds produce -- but not many have a father like John Lennon, who used it as a springboard for a song that became a centerpiece on the landmark album “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.”

“Julian got in touch with me out of the blue, when he heard how ill I was, and he said he wanted to do something for me,” said the 46-year-old Vodden, who has lupus, a chronic disease in which the immune system attacks body tissue.

Lennon, who lives in France, sent his old friend flowers, as well as vouchers she could use to buy plants at a local gardening center, since working in her garden is one of the few activities she is still occasionally well enough to enjoy. More important, he has offered her friendship and a connection to more carefree days. They communicate mostly by text message.


“I wasn’t sure at first how to approach her. I wanted at least to get a note to her,” Julian Lennon said. “Then I heard she had a great love of gardening, and I thought I’d help with something she’s passionate about, and I love gardening too. I wanted to do something to put a smile on her face.”

Vodden admits she enjoys her association with the song but doesn’t particularly care for the tune. Perhaps that’s not surprising. It was thought by many at the time, including BBC executives who banned the song, to be a paean to LSD because of the initials in the title. Plus, she and Julian were 4 years old in 1967, the “Summer of Love” when “Sgt. Pepper” was released to worldwide acclaim. She missed the psychedelic era to which the song is indelibly linked.

“I don’t relate to the song, to that type of song,” said Vodden, described as “the girl with kaleidoscope eyes” in the lyrics. “As a teenager, I made the mistake of telling a couple of friends at school that I was the Lucy in the song and they said, ‘No, it’s not you, my parents said it’s about drugs.’ And I didn’t know what LSD was at the time, so I just kept it quiet, to myself.”


There’s no doubt the fanciful lyrics and swirling musical effects draw heavily on the LSD experiences that were shaping Lennon’s artistic output at the time -- although many of the musical flourishes were provided by producer George Martin, who was not a drug user.

“The imagery in the song is partly a reflection of John’s drug experiences, and partly his love of ‘Alice in Wonderland,’ ” said Steve Turner, author of “A Hard Day’s Write,” a book that details the origins of every Beatles song. “At the time it came out, it seemed overtly psychedelic, it sounded like some kind of trip. It was completely new at the time. To me it is very evocative of the period.”

Turner said his research, including interviews with Vodden and Julian Lennon, confirmed that she was the Lucy in the song. He said it was common for John Lennon to “snatch songs out of thin air” based on a phrase he heard on TV or an item he read in the newspapers.
