
Analyzing the Spectors

Re “Rachelle Spector tells her story,” June 5

I find it shocking that you would run a tabloid-type piece on a psychiatrically challenged gold-digger like Rachelle Spector on the front page.

With all the important news in the world, didn’t it occur to anyone to run the article in the Calendar section? And that picture of her in bed with his suit? What that woman needs is a good leaving-alone. By everyone.

C.W. Tennican

Los Angeles


I’m sorry, but I have no sympathy for Phil Spector. Here’s a man who had a history of drinking and playing intimidation games. It was probably an accident, but it caught up with him. If he had owned up to his mistake, I’d have some sympathy for his part in what was likely a tragic accident.


Jim Bean

Los Angeles


I feel Rachelle Spector’s pain as she lies beside her husband’s suit. She is alone in the house that they shared. My husband wasn’t famous. He passed away suddenly; we were only married three years. At least Rachelle Spector can see her husband again.

Wendy Bopp

Indian Wells
