
GOP tilt

Re “Reagan’s GOP? Hardly,” Opinion, Jan. 24

I find Mickey Edwards’ take on Ronald Reagan to be as self-serving as the pundits he accuses of steering the party in its current direction.

Reagan is accountable for the current extreme rightward tilt of the GOP and for heading it in the very anti-intellectual and populist (in the worst sense) direction that now causes Edwards such grief.

Edwards conveniently forgets that it was Reagan who sold out the Republican platform to the religious right.


Mr. Edwards, what have you and your pals at the Heritage Foundation been doing for the last 30 years to change the Republican Party’s direction? Did you even attempt to tame the voices of those you now disparage? If you are really sincere, why didn’t you write this article a long time ago, when it might have done some good for the GOP and the country?

Vincent De Stefano

