
GOP reaction to stimulus plan

Re “McCain leads GOP charge against Obama,” Jan. 26

Sen. John McCain is still behaving as if the campaign never ended, leading the GOP charge against President Obama. Republican leaders now pontificate about bipartisanship, but their public statements foster the old Washington gridlock and the old ways of doing the public’s business.

Even more disingenuous is when they rant about the Democrats’ recovery plan, claiming it will increase the deficit. What short memories they have. Under Republican control of the White House and the Congress for much of the last eight years, didn’t the deficit increase off the charts?

It makes me wonder, who won the 2008 election, and wasn’t it supposed to signal change?

Anita C. Singer

Laguna Woods


After getting walloped in the November elections, the GOP should change its signature image from the elephant to the Dodo bird. If Republicans continue to stonewall things like a much-needed stimulus package, they’ll not just be a minority, they’ll be extinct.


Jack Kenna



Re “Stimulus is looking less bipartisan,” Jan. 25

Critics of Obama’s stimulus plan likely are surfacing because the stimulus plan may be anything but. A large portion of the plan is a masquerade for unbridled traditional liberal spending and pork. Does anyone really believe millions of dollars to the National Endowment of the Arts will provide immediate relief to our economy? Some report that of the $30 billion allocated for roads, only about $3 billion will be spent in the first year. After all, it will take much longer than a year for members of Congress to decide which road contractors deserve their patronage.

Where’s the stimulus? The plan seems nothing more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Mark Greenfield

Los Angeles
