
QUICK TAKES - Jan. 24, 2009

Hoping to create more buzz for her third-place newscast, CBS is handing anchor Katie Couric some key prime-time real estate in the coming weeks.

On Wednesday, the network will air a special edition of “CBS Evening News” at 8 p.m., hoping to catch the attention of viewers who have not sampled the broadcast before. A week later, Couric will anchor an hourlong Grammy special, featuring interviews with Justin Timberlake, Lil’ Wayne, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift. CBS broadcasts the Grammy Awards on Feb. 8.

In a recent interview, CBS News President Sean McManus said he was convinced that if more people see the kind of work Couric is doing, the more they will be persuaded to tune in to her evening newscast.


Couric, who is halfway through her five-year contract at CBS, has enjoyed a recent bump in the ratings but still lags far behind her competitors at NBC and ABC.

-- Matea Gold
