
Huck ruckus

Re “Teacher wants to expel Huck Finn,” Jan. 19

Although I do not share his opinions, John Foley sounds like a very intelligent teacher. His passion for teaching is obvious, and his concern for the well-being of his students is noble. I fear that you have received a plethora of hateful responses to his bold ideas.

Such responses cement my opinion that “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” “Of Mice and Men” and “To Kill a Mockingbird” are essential to the fabric of the American literary canon. These novels depict bigots as they are. What is disquieting is that bigotry is not a disease withheld only for the deranged. Average, law-abiding, apple-pie baking, freedom-loving people have a difficult time overcoming their own narrow-mindedness.

Atticus Finch’s patience with the inherent shortcomings of his fellow man has a place in every high school curriculum.


Travis Ferguson

Heath, Texas
