

I’ve voted for every Republican candidate for president since Barry Goldwater. I believe President Bush to be a good man who wants the best for our country, but he has been a disappointment.

His handling of immigration has been devastating, and the war in Iraq has become a heartbreaking disaster. Instead of curbing federal spending, he allowed it to go through the roof.

Yet I would have preferred that Obama were not the one being inaugurated today. I do not believe his agenda is the right one for our country in these difficult days. Throwing money at problems cannot be sustained, and soon the piper must be paid.


Nevertheless, I wish Obama the best. I will support him to the best of my ability. I also wish President and Mrs. Bush a quiet, happy civilian life. God bless the U.S.A.

Liz Burrell

La Habra Heights


I am nearly 50 and, like most Americans my age, I never thought I’d live to see a black president. Of course, over the last eight years, I have seen plenty of other developments that I would have thought unimaginable.

I never thought I’d see the country accept a stolen presidential election with no more protest than a few sternly worded Op-Eds and a few eggs thrown at the presidential motorcade.


I never thought I’d see my country invade a sovereign nation that posed no threat to us.

I never thought I’d see Congress sign away my constitutional rights.

I never thought I’d see us become a nation that tortures.

I never thought I’d see an American city be allowed to drown.

I never thought I’d see the rise of serious candidates for national office who, in the 21st century, still question the reality of evolution.

Like the ugly chapters in American history that came before, none of this can be erased. But it can be overcome.

Matt Jocks

San Jacinto
