

I read the Jan. 11 “On the Spot” [“Scents? Eau No!”] with particular interest. Whether or not some scientists believe in multiple chemical sensitivities is immaterial. Many people are bothered by heavy scents, and there are those who may be allergic to some scents. I have found that certain perfumes (and soaps and air fresheners) cause

my throat to constrict. They make my eyes water and

make me cough or sneeze. So, multiple chemical sensitivities may or may not exist, but allergies do.

Dennis van Bremen

La Crescenta


Tell letter writer Carol Suggitt that the next time she goes flying and finds herself beside a fragrance overdose to bring out the Vicks VapoRub and put some up her nose. It will override the fragrance.


When all else fails, she could apply Bengay on the back of her hands and wave them around frequently. If she gets lucky, the offender may ask her why she is wearing that stinkin’ stuff. She can then reply, “Revenge.”

L. Graham

Los Angeles
