

In spite of Kurt Streeter’s claim [Jan. 11], I don’t remember asking him to write a letter for Me -- but he is fervent, and I give him an A for catchy. So he thinks I can’t chew gum and walk at the same time, huh? I admit I have a lot to do helping people through tough times, but I also like to have fun -- I read his column, didn’t I?

When there is a spectacular accomplishment in a sports arena, I love to jump off my throne and cheer with the rest of you. Actually, My aim is for all rivalries to be played out on an athletic field instead of through the bloody contests that you folks call war. Pass the word along.


P.S. Want to know who’s going to win the Super Bowl?

Camille Dull



Kurt Streeter’s arrogance has apparently reached a pinnacle. Tongue-in-cheek or not, Streeter has portrayed God as someone struggling to stay ahead of His “inbox jammed with requests from the sporting faithful.” Wouldn’t an omnipotent God be in complete control of incoming prayers? Does God specify that our prayers should revolve around world issues?


Society has done its best to squeeze religion and prayer out of the public eye. But as long as Streeter can exercise his right to free speech through the sports section of a major newspaper while doing his job, then athletes should have the same right of expression on their own sports platform.

Christopher Grisanti



About Kurt Streeter’s letter from God: Amen, brother.

Rich Schmittdiel

