

When NBC announced in December that it was creating a nightly 10 o’clock show for Jay Leno, CBS executives had one response.

“Our first reaction when they did that was to say thank you,” CBS President of Entertainment Nina Tassler said at the TCA press tour Wednesday.

The move makes CBS and ABC the only broadcast networks airing scripted programming at that hour.


“Our 10 o’clock programs do extremely well,” Tassler said. “It’s a coveted time period. The creative community, quite frankly, was shocked when they first heard about it. You have so many top-tier talent that vie for that time period every year.”

More important, Tassler added: “Why should one network’s failure in development re-direct an entire scheduling strategy?”

Tassler’s uncharacteristically pointed comments come at a time when CBS is on top in every aspect of the ratings race. (The network even held its own against “American Idol” Tuesday night.) But NBC, which used to be the bully at TCA, picking on its rivals, now seems to be the TCA punching bag.


Tassler began her executive session with introductory remarks that included bunking TV industry myths, such as the notion that comedy is dead. Exhibits A and B: “How I Met Your Mother” and “The Big Bang Theory,” which have grown markedly this season.

She also poked fun at critics who said viewers were tired of crime dramas. Exhibit C: “The Mentalist” phenomenon. And she took a swipe at NBC.

“There’s a recent proclamation that we really just don’t buy into,” she said. “At the end of last year, one of our competitors made a bold programming move that the network television model was broken. It was certainly the right move for their network, but it shouldn’t suggest that the current system doesn’t work.”


Asked by a TV critic to shed light on what it says about the TV industry that CBS is run by a former studio chief, Leslie Moonves, and Jeff Zucker, NBC’s chief, is a former daytime producer, Tassler said:

“There’s an emphasis on content. It’s always about the quality of the storytelling. There’s a fundamental respect for the creative talent of the community. . . . With regard to the way that other companies are run -- I mean, I haven’t worked at other companies so I don’t know -- there is a real focus on preserving the creative integrity and making sure we look to build our brand, introduce voices to network television and a fundamental belief in the network TV business.”

In other announcements, Tassler confirmed that a spin-off of “NCIS” would be introduced this season within an episode of the hit drama. Although CBS cut the orders for freshman series “Eleventh Hour” and “Worst Week,” Tassler said they were contenders to return next fall.

-- Maria Elena Fernandez


Spinning ‘24’s’ violence, torture

Kiefer Sutherland wants to make sure you understand: It is, generally speaking, not OK to shoot your boss in the head. Just because Jack Bauer (Sutherland) does it on “24” doesn’t make it right.

Sutherland and “24” executive producer Howard Gordon used part of their session at the TV press tour in Universal City on Tuesday morning to brush aside criticisms that the Fox thriller, which just started its seventh season, condones torture and other morally dubious procedures. The show has faced such criticism almost since its debut in 2001, but the danger of seeming out of step is especially acute now in the waning days of the Bush administration, with many liberals demanding investigations into administration counterterrorism practices.

In the show, torture “is simply used as a dramatic device,” Sutherland told reporters. “In reality, they’ll tell you less than 10% of information they get from situations like this proves helpful.”


Referring to when Bauer killed his boss, Ryan Chapelle, at the behest of the president, Sutherland said, “We’re not condoning that. It’s part of the show.”

Gordon said that, going into the new season, he was sensitive to the fact that the show had taken “quite a bit of heat” for “allegedly” promoting rogue methods. But even when invited to do so, he didn’t want to overplay comparisons between President-elect Barack Obama and “24’s” female president, Allison Taylor (Cherry Jones).

“They’re both aspirational, is the best way I can describe it,” Gordon said.

-- Scott Collins


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