

Re “Hamas’ war crimes,” Opinion, Jan. 10

Israeli apologist Alan Dershowitz ignores the lengthy and debilitating economic blockade that Israel had imposed on encircled Gaza.

The Egyptian-sponsored cease-fire between Hamas and Israel required that the devastating blockade be lifted. Far from eliminating the border closure, Israel increased the blockade.

Thus it was Israel that violated the cease-fire by refusing to drop the blockade as well as continued bombings and assassinations.


Unlike Dershowitz, for whom Israel can do no wrong, I am not arguing that Hamas are the good guys -- only that his Israeli bias is all too obvious.

Brice Harris

Eagle Rock

The writer is a retired Occidental College history professor.


I am sure those civilians who died in Gaza would have liked to ask Dershowitz a question: What is the difference between being killed by an F-16 or a suicide vest?

The end result is the same. However, an F-16 is a much more efficient killing machine.

John Youssef

Woodland Hills


Consider another related situation: An armed robber breaks into your house. He kills several family members and forces the rest of your family into a closet. If you want to eat, you have to ask him. You can’t go to work. The kids he hasn’t killed cannot go to school.


When you complain, he opens the door and fires his gun into your closet -- and don’t hold your breath for medical aid. The police won’t help because they’re on his side. They’ll even lend him more bullets.

Welcome to Gaza, Mr. Dershowitz!

Jim Doody

Costa Mesa


Thanks to Dershowitz for pointing out what few others have: that the real culprit and criminal is Hamas.

True to their terrorist nature, they hide among Palestinian civilians and use schools and mosques to store munitions and to launch rocket attacks against Israel. They then exploit the tragic results to turn world opinion against Israel.


David Max

