
My encounter with a president

Whether it was by turning on the TV, picking up the paper or clicking on a link, we have all seen the image of an American president. But few of us have seen a president in person. As the inauguration of the nation’s 44th president approaches, we’re asking you to share your memories of meeting or seeing a president in the flesh.

Ever build a house with Jimmy Carter? Dodge a golf ball hit by Gerald Ford? Or perhaps your parents took you to see Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Here are excerpts from accounts readers have shared. To tell your story or to read about more presidential encounters, visit


-- Joanna Lin


was a Jungle Cruise skipper. One day some official-looking guys cleared out the queues and a bit later Richard Nixon walks down with his daughter and grandkids. His head was college-mascot-huge and he was wearing a suit. He was, however, very nice and made a point to meet all of us working there that day.


[I met] Ford while in office, thanks to my young golden retriever -- who pulled the leash from my hand and bolted through the Secret Service, who were waiting for Ford . . . [as] I walked past on my way back to where I lived on the Hill. (Working as a congressional aide at the time.) Pup was muddy from having been romping on the lawn of the Capitol and soaking wet from having been in the Supreme Court fountain.

The agents grabbed the leash but missed, and he sailed right on up to Ford and gave him the typical happy golden greeting (i.e. covering the recipient with hair, water, etc.).


He was lovely about it -- petting the pup, asking the pup’s age and which congressman I worked for. (The Secret Service was snickering -- something . . . about how I couldn’t be concealing a weapon or much of anything else in tight-fitting gym shorts and a clinging halter top.)


Sometime in early 1995, as the architect for the restoration of his home in Leesburg, Va., I was invited to attend a luncheon to honor Secretary George C. Marshall. The luncheon was held in the diplomatic reception rooms on the top floor of the State Department and were hosted by Gen. Colin Powell.

I circulated around the crowd dazzled by the dignitaries and ambassadors. I stepped onto the balcony overlooking Constitution Avenue. There in front of me were Presidents Carter, Ford, [George H.W.] Bush and Reagan standing in a half-circle.


I was amazed at how they were all at least 6 feet tall but now slightly bent over in rapt attention to the person standing in the center of their circle.

There, at the center of four men who at different times had been the most powerful men in the world, stood a much shorter Henry Kissinger pointing into the palm of one hand with his index finger of the other, clearly making a point. It was stunning.


I met and took a picture with President Harry Truman outside his house after he left office. We were looking at the house when he came out to roll up the windows of his car. (He was having the garage worked on, and they were parked in the street.)

My father snapped several pictures of him before we even got out of the car. He was very nice, and Mr. Truman asked if my father would like to take a picture of him and I together. That black-and-white photo still hangs in my living room today!
