
No Hollywood tear-jerker

Re “A bleak picture for big studios, “ Jan. 2

As someone who grew up watching “Mister Roberts,” “On the Waterfront” and “To Kill a Mockingbird,” I am amazed at Hollywood executives who approve inane and childish scripts, pay ungodly sums of money to adult actors who act like spoiled children, and then don’t understand why people refuse to pay $20 to sit through 30 minutes of commercials and previews to watch the drivel they’ve produced.

I may not be qualified to be chief executive of a major studio, but I guarantee that I can make better decisions than those who gave the green light to “Monkeybone” and “Osmosis Jones.”

Matt Giorgi



Layoffs in Hollywood have been going on for well over a decade in the form of moving film and television production overseas. This has had a devastating effect on many rank-and-file Hollywood workers. These hardworking people, who dedicated their professional lives to perfecting their craft, were of course also contributing to the local economy.


As a former “below the line” film worker who finally gave up on the industry, I’m crying crocodile tears for these companies and their executives.

Mark Kenaston

Iowa City, Iowa
