
QUICK TAKES - Jan. 10, 2009

Patrick Swayze, who has been undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer, checked into a hospital Friday morning.

Swayze, 56, was supposed to appear on a panel at Universal City to promote his new A&E; show, “The Beast.” But when introducing the panel, A&E;’s Abbe Raven announced that Swayze has pneumonia as a result of the chemotherapy treatments he has been receiving. Earlier this week, Swayze appeared on “20/20” in an interview with Barbara Walters, his first TV appearance since he was diagnosed with the often deadly cancer last March. He told Walters that statistically he might have two years left to live. “You can bet that I’m going through hell,” Swayze told Walters of his treatment. “And I’ve only seen the beginning of it.”

-- Kate Aurthur
