

Thank you for the story on cellphone bills [“Cellphone Bills That Truly Roam,” by David Sarno, Jan. 7]. I came home from vacation in Cancun, Mexico, in October to a $300 cellphone bill (which is usually about $95 per month). I had my iPhone with me and had used it only for the iPod functions. Little did I know that every time I turned on my iPhone during vacation, it was downloading data at the higher roaming charges. It never even occurred to me to call AT&T; to complain about the charges. About a week after paying the bill, AT&T; sent me an e-mail about how to turn the data download function off while traveling.

Sue Paris

Huntington Beach


The iPhone clearly says in the settings menu, “Turn data roaming off when abroad to avoid substantial roaming charges when using e-mail, Web browsing and other data services.” You missed the opportunity to be of service to your readers and opted for fear and loathing instead.

Eric Hanauer

San Diego
