
QUICK TAKES - Jan. 9, 2009

“CSI: NY” star Gary Sinise can be seen in a new time slot this weekend.

The actor will be featured in “On the Road in Iraq With Our Troops and Gary Sinise,” a documentary airing on Fox News on Saturday at 6 p.m.

Culled from 26 hours of footage taken of a trip Sinise made to Iraq last July, the hourlong special follows the actor as he visits with American troops across the country.

It was the fourth trip to the war zone for Sinise, who started traveling to U.S. bases with the USO after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.


He said he agreed to let his friend, filmmaker Jonathan Flora, shoot footage of his trip last year in an effort to put a spotlight on the thousands of soldiers who remain in combat.

“Iraq is off the front page now, so unless you are personally attached or involved with someone who has sacrificed, who is serving in the military, then you’re probably not too aware,” Sinise said.

-- Matea Gold
