
Keeping in shape

Christine Lahti stars in “Yonkers Joe” as the girlfriend of a scammy gambler (Chazz Palminteri). It opens Friday. She also appears in “Obsessed,” coming this spring. She is married to director-producer Thomas Schlamme; the oldest of their children is 20 and the twins are 15. We found her in Aspen over the holidays.


Are you always up and about at 7:30 a.m.?

Yes, I am! If it’s not skiing, I am up with my kids who are still in high school. I love getting up at 6 or 6:30 -- and I take them to school, or I go spin. Have you done that?


Yes! You must be in great shape.

I’m in pretty good shape. Here in the high altitude of Aspen I did pretty well yesterday. I only fell down once. And I was standing still.



And the kids are surviving high school?

They’re doing great. I remember having a lot more sort of issues in high school. I don’t know about you. But they’re doing really well. I remember high school as being fraught with constant self-consciousness.


I remember it being a nightmare.

Yeah! But I dunno, I was doing theater. What about you?


I had dual interests: the theater’s stage crew and marijuana.

Well, that’s an interesting club, the marijuana club.


We got a lot done.

I bet you did. I didn’t know that existed in high school. I was so naive. I was in Birmingham, Mich., a huge public school, just massive. And I did theater, then went to the University of Michigan. Then I heard about things like marijuana. That was an exciting time -- the late ‘60s, early ‘70s, the hotbed of radicalism. That became the reason I still am such an activist. I’m so grateful for those years.


What are your political goals for 2009?

Well. I’m full of hope for the first time in eight years, as a lot of us are. I’m hoping first of all for a lot of the women’s rights issues to be addressed by Obama. I think the gag rule and a lack of funding for family planning, sex education -- all that stuff that Bush really pulled back. Certainly I’m grateful that Obama will not be reversing Roe vs. Wade.



Are you going to D.C. for the shindig?

I’m not. I’m shooting a pilot in mid-January. I went to Clinton’s inauguration, the first one.


So what is this pilot?

The pilot is called “Operating Instructions,” and it’s for USA Network. I’m really excited, it’s very comedic, the part. It’s an hour dramedy. I play this very Republican -- which is a first for me! And it’s good. I want to reach across the aisle and find compassion with Republicans. That’s one of my goals for ’09. She’s a Navy officer, and she’s now the top administrator of the naval hospital, modeled after Camp Pendleton. She’s very anal and strict and lonely and funny and kinky -- she’s really an interesting character. And mostly because I’m playing someone who watches Fox -- she TiVos Bill O’Reilly.


What do you miss more: “Jack & Bobby” or “Studio 60”?

Oh, God! Isn’t it sad that all these really -- I love both of them. . . . I would have to say “Jack & Bobby” if you had a gun to my head.



I loved it. I was maybe alone.

You and my mom. Who else watched it? Oh, my kids watched it. Because I forced them. But it just didn’t have an audience. Maybe it was the wrong network.


Are you going back to directing?

Yeah. Well, I want to. I consider myself a student director. I do have a script that I’m trying to find financing for. It’s always tough times to find financing for independent films -- now it’s just ridiculous. People just laugh. “Sure, we’ll give you a million dollars for a movie about a dysfunctional relationship between a mother and a daughter with no big stars!” You have to get the biggest gorilla movie stars. But they’re busy making millions of dollars. They’re going to come do my movie for $1.98? But I’m optimistic. It’ll happen. I just find a way to keep lowering the budget.


2009 is going to be sort of hairy.

Yeah, it really is. I’m just glad I have a job. I’m so excited about this pilot. Let’s hope it gets picked up.


You do have, like, two movies this season.

I do. “Yonkers Joe,” of course, and a small part in “Obsessed,” the Beyonce movie. She was just remarkable. She can act. She’s a really good actress. I haven’t seen the movie, but I’m thinking she’s going to be pretty amazing. Of course my daughter was really impressed I worked with Beyonce. I’m riding high on that until she sees the part is really small.


[90 minutes later] Hello?

Hi, it’s Christine Lahti again. Can I amend my answer about 2009? The main thing I’m looking forward to in 2009 is the end of the war in Iraq. I thought about it, and I thought that what I want more than anything is to end that stupid war.


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