
Elgin and Jackie

Maybe Elgin Baylor didn’t have to suffer the overt racism that Jackie Robinson did, but Jackie played out his career repressing what had to be tremendous personal resentment against such treatment -- treatment that sometimes came from teammates and team officials. When Jackie finished his playing days, he was a very outspoken critic of the unfair treatment of blacks in America before his too-early death.

Baylor is acting no differently though Donald Sterling’s racism was not so out in the open. I believe Baylor had a lot of personal courage to put up with Sterling as long as he did, but I may be in the minority. But I always have been a minority and know what that feels like.

Gary Mikuni



Donald Sterling has got to be one of the world’s most terrible people.

He plasters The Times with all of these self-serving ads lauding himself and his apartment buildings. I wasn’t the least bit surprised that he would end up displaying all the worst signs of a team owner and bigot.


Yes, I have convicted him before he has a fair trial. My jury is in.

Bob Klein

Culver City


Except for a good laugh, does anyone really care about the Clippers?

Ron Gonzalez

Diamond Bar
