
Up in smoke?

Congratulations to Michael Phelps for winning yet another gold medal, not for Olympic swimming but for stupidity. Amid the sea of athletes caught with guns, performance-enhancing drugs, or being involved in other inappropriate behavior, Phelps was a breath of fresh air, excelling on his own merits after learning his own hard lesson concerning a DUI in 2004. He needs to remember that in the public eye of parties, there is always a camera . . . somewhere. Just ask Matt Leinart.

Misty Skistad

Burnsville, Minn.


Michael Phelps is photographed allegedly smoking marijuana. He’s suspended and loses a commercial sponsorship. If, alternatively, Mr. Phelps was photographed drinking a beer, there’s no story, despite the fact that alcohol indisputably destroys families and ravages lives.

Marijuana, in contrast, may dull one’s ambition, but its use offers no analogy to the violent drunk. Of course, marijuana remains illegal and perhaps this is the basis for the differing treatment. At the same time, we might consider rationally weighing their comparative harm.


R. Konrad Moore



I see where Kellogg’s won’t renew its sponsorship contract with Michael Phelps. Couldn’t they just change their slogan to “snap, crackle, puff”?

Paul Feinsinger

Agoura Hills
