

That California Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown likes arugula and has practiced Zen meditation is no surprise -- but duck hunting?

Brown, who recently joined Facebook, posted his list of “25 Random Things About Me” Thursday, divulging not only that his favorite cereal is Flax Plus Multibran but that he also is part owner of a ranch, that he once went duck hunting with the late Chief Justice Earl Warren and that he is still “running” for office. Brown is expected to seek to succeed Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Scott Gerber, Brown’s spokesman, said Brown, 70, banged out the list on his computer without the knowledge of his staff. He described the list as a “personal” matter for Brown.



Jerry Brown opens up online

“Using Facebook shows he is with the times, and gives the sense that he is doing what thousands of other people in the state are doing,” Gerber said.

-- Maura Dolan
