
Alcohol an issue for some fans

Re “Dodgers try to keep lid on brewing fan mischief,” Oct. 15

Dodgers spokesman Charles Steinberg can insincerely babble about how the McCourts want a “family environment” at Dodger Stadium, but until the McCourts put their money where their mouths are and prioritize a safe atmosphere over personal profit by ceasing to sell alcohol, nothing will ever really change.

Scott D. Allen

Santa Monica


As a former driver for Fox Sports, I can’t tell you how many times after a game I had to maneuver my 70-foot truck and trailer around thousands of beer and liquor bottles scattered all over the Dodger Stadium parking lot.

The beer- and liquor-fueled fighting in the lot before and after the games was intolerable, and the private security guards, on their bicycles and golf carts, were helpless to do anything about it.


I truly hope that this problem can be remedied because, until then, I for one will continue to watch my favorite home team on television.

Jason Belsky

Van Nuys
