
Tax cuts and banking behemoths

It’s plain and simple to me that you don’t understand the economics of tax cuts. (“Congress’ brainless answer? Cut taxes,” Consumer Confidential, Oct. 5)

Tax cuts mean that people spend more. Spending more means the demand will increase again and we may not go into a nonstop recession.

Laura Bell



Take the makeup off David Lazarus’ column and he argues that tax cuts in a troubled economy should be replaced with tax increases. But he ignores the possibility that overspending might be the deficit culprit, rather than a need for more taxpayer money. Lazarus’ diatribe reveals a big-government, tax-and-spend liberal behind the word processor.


Kip Dellinger, CPA

West Los Angeles


Lazarus’ article on the dangers of the shrinking number of banks in our country and the resulting concentration of power in the hands of too few, along with the lessening of options for the consumer, was very timely and to the point. (“ ‘Too big to fail’ a hazard for banks,” Consumer Confidential, Oct. 1.)

Recent history has shown us all too clearly and sadly that special interests cannot be trusted to care for the common good.

Peter A. O’Reilly

