
Ignorance and arrogance

Re “The wrong turf,” Opinion, Nov. 16

I don’t know which is more insulting, DeBord’s ignorance or his arrogance in speaking about his “dream of gentrification” for Glassell Park.

With the flippancy of a privileged frat boy, he has reduced an entire community of predominantly hardworking families with complex lives down to a simplistic tug of war between violent street criminals and upwardly mobile consumers. DeBord wants the urban experience -- as long as it’s sanitized with a bit of diversity and plenty of shopping.

No one who has lived here for any length of time would claim the gangs are anything but a complex and dangerous problem. DeBord’s idea of doing something about them involves getting them out of sight just long enough for the value of his property to go up. His vision of real estate as a game to be played for fun and profit is the polar opposite of making a contribution to one’s community.


He wants the option to move on, and I’d encourage him to do so. The Avenues are not the only people who don’t want him here.

Julie Williams

Los Angeles
