
Shedding tears at Obama’s triumph

So I wasn’t the only one.

I had no idea I would be overcome by sobs as the television flashed a message at 8:01 p.m. that Barack Obama was the president-elect [“Obama’s Election Spins a Web of Tears,” by David Sarno, Nov. 12]. Voting had been special this year because my 28-year-old daughter, who lives in Europe, was able to vote here and she and I stood side by side at our polling place for the first time since she was 18.

Though as a therapist I encourage people to let tears flow, I was so surprised at my reaction that I found myself a little embarrassed as I wept in front of my daughter and her British fiance.

I think the tears we shed are as much relief that the eight-year nightmare is over as it is awe that we elected a thinker to the White House.


Ellen Butterfield

